Montgomery Week • July 25 - 30, 2021
Montgomery Week is for students entering 1st - 6th grade for the 2021-22 school year. Montgomery Week is directed by Will Collins & Rob Sellers.
Check-in is from 2-5pm on Sunday.
Click here to view Packing List & Tips.
PLEASE NOTE! Your registration is NOT COMPLETE until you pay.
A $20 deposit is non-refundable if cancellation is made within two weeks of camp session.
INSTRUCTIONS - Please Read Before Selecting Anything
Please register ONE STUDENT at a time. If you need to register multiple students, complete the registration process & payment for one student, then refresh your web browser to register another student.
If you would like to pay for canteen, please select the number of canteen cards that you would like to purchase and select "Add To Cart" BEFORE you try to select either pay Deposit or Pay In Full options.
Select DEPOSIT or PAY IN FULL from the options below. You cannot add a Canteen Card to your online shopping cart AFTER selecting one of these options.
If you select DEPOSIT, make sure you bring your remaining balance payment (either in cash, check or credit / debit card).
Fill out the registration form (make sure you check the correct week that you are registering for).
Enter your credit card info and pay!
You're done!
PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE "QUANTITY" OPTION. For questions, read Instructions above.
PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE "QUANTITY" OPTION. For questions, read Instructions above.
PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE "QUANTITY" OPTION. For questions, read Instructions above.