First Name
Last Name
Shirt Size
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Name of Campus Ministry or Home Church
Physical Limitations
Physician's Name & Phone
Health Insurance Company
Policy Number
Emergency contacts & Phone Numbers
Hold Harmless & Indemnity Agreement
State of Mississippi/County of George
Whereas, Azalea City Church of Christ and Gulf Coast Bible Camp, Inc., a Mississippi Non Profit corporation (“GCBC”), are nonprofit organizations existing by virtue of the laws of their state.
Whereas, GCBC is the sole operator and occupant of certain real property located in GEORGE County, Mississippi, on which premises there are located facilities and/or areas for members of the public to utilize as a campground, lodging, recreational facility, or retreat area, and
Whereas, it is the desire of those who use said premises to hold harmless Azalea City CoC and GCBC, allowing the undersigned to use said premises.
NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, the mutual promises, covenants and conditions as herein enumerated, the undersigned does hereby covenant, agree and bind itself, its heirs, assigns, personal representatives and successors to defend and hold harmless Azalea City COC and GCBC, from and on account of any liability arising out of the use of any real property, either leased, rented, borrowed or owned by Azalea City CoC or GCBC, for any act, negligent or otherwise, or any injury occasioned by the undersigned or by any members of the undersigned’s family or participating group, without limitations whatever.
The undersigned covenants and agrees that an inspection has been made of the premises by the undersigned and that the premises being utilized by the Azalea City CoC and GCBC, are reasonably safe, fit and proper for use intended.
If in the event any claim, whether filed in a Court of law or not, is brought by the said undersigned or any member of the undersigned’s family or group in which they may be jointly participating in any occupation of the premises, then in said event the undersigned will indemnify, defend and hold harmless Azalea City CoC and GCBC, for any expenses of any kind whatever, including but not limited to any judgement which might be rendered against the said Azalea City CoC and GCGC, together with attorney’s fees, court costs or expenses of litigation.
I agree to the Hold Harmless & Indemnity Agreement